Daily activity English#13

September 12 2018

today I will tell you about the activities that I did on Wednesday. The activities that I do are making several types of dishes that we will present tomorrow as a menu for morning tea.

We regularly do this morning tea activity every Thursday on the practice day, the goal is to introduce to all employees and people involved in the morning tea that we have good products to display and also as a venue for us to further sharpen our skills and knowledge we are in the field of pastry and Bakery.

The types of dishes that we make for morning in the next day are some types of traditional cakes and cake or bread cakes from outside countries. Examples are Javanese dumplings, croisants, milefuille, and also some other types of bread.
Of course in the process we previously divided the division of tasks to further accelerate our work. Which is where we share it according to our respective skills.


#pict of the day
