Daily activity English#12

September 10, 2018

For this blog, I will tell you about the activities that I did in the kitchen. The first activity I did was to prepare all the ingredients that had been prepared the previous day for us to process or product on Monday morning. The products we make are satay that we make more modern and also healthier of course.

After all our preparations, we make the next step, which is selling and also delivering all order orders that have been requested by the buyer. Especially students at the Makassar Poltekpar campus. But there is something funny. sales We get a pretty loud reprimand because we committed a violation Where we sell or enter classes where there are certain rules that prohibit selling in the classroom.

But this is used as motivation or generating our enthusiasm to keep trying in the future and we make it as a reference to realize that every effort that is done will definitely be a barrier that will hinder our process to be better or successful in the future.


